Get Off My Lawn
We were at IndieCade 2023 & Alt.Ctrl.GDC 2024. Check pictures here
Water Hose:
This feature is developed using two basic steps.​
Predicting the projectile path​
Adding a preview mesh at every predicted point.
Prediction of projectile path:
​The "Make PredictProjectilePathParams" takes a few inputs like 'Start Location' and 'Launch Velocity'. For this project's purpose, the start location was the muzzle of the water hose.​
The Launch Velocity of the projectile had a base velocity multiplied by a 'Pressure Multiplier' which was based on the input value when the trigger of the water hose is fired.
2. Adding preview meshes at every predicted path:​​​
Score System:
Values that determined total score
Overall Lawn State​
Number of kids shoved off the lawn
Base score
Base score is a sum of random numbers between 1-5 generated each time the player hits a kid.
Number of kids shoved off is very self-explanatory
Overall Lawn State is an average of the health of every lawn section (9 in our case).
Three lawn states: Pristine, Damaged, Destroyed​
Pristine: Base Score * 10
Damaged: Base Score * 5
Destroyed: Base Score * 2
The math behind 'Total Score' is very simple:
Total Score = (Base Score * Lawn State)​ + (Kids shoved * 10)